
Nate St. Pierre

I'm an AI developer at the intersection of immersive and emergent storytelling. I help novelists, game designers, and filmmakers vividly imagine their worlds through a set of custom tools I've developed.

my favorite photo from the graveyard walk
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revisiting life (and death)

Over the weekend I did my annual graveyard walk, this time stopping by to visit my friend who recently passed, instead of walking it with him. A sad time, certainly, but not without its bittersweet moments. In fact, I noticed that there's an open slot in the bookshelf above his book of ashes in the mausoleum library. I've never made any plans for my body after I die, so maybe I'll buy that slot and have it all taken care of so my kids don't have to. I'll think about it. my favorite photo from...

me and Chris

Every October for nearly 20 years, my buddy Chris Damico and I would do our annual graveyard walk. We’d choose a cemetery somewhere in Milwaukee, get breakfast nearby, and then spend a couple hours slowly winding our way through the grounds. Both of us professional writers and amateur photographers, we enjoyed taking pictures and telling stories about all the lives we came across. Usually the days were sunny and brisk, with beautiful fall colors exploding all around, but winter comes early in...

my grandpa, a great guy

This is my grandpa. I love him a lot. He's gone now, but he helped me become who I am today. I can close my eyes and be back in this room anytime I was meeting with a client this week - a sound technician and film composer from LA, an older gentleman. When the topic of early sound equipment came up, I mentioned my grandpa (who was one of the foremost authorities and largest collectors of antique radios, microphones, and sound equipment), and it turned out this man knew of him. I got to spend...

Get your mind out of the gutter - the only d**k pic I'm talking about is a "desk" pic! I can't take you people anywhere, GAWD So the other day I was looking for my tape measure, and I finally found it in the back room where I had last used it literally months ago when I was putting something together. That's how seldom I use physical tools. Compare that to my brother, who has an entire work van filled floor to ceiling with proper construction tools that he uses every day. But when it comes to...

today I made fancy little robots doing robot-y things Good morning, friends! (Actually, I write the Tuesday morning emails on Monday nights, lying on my couch while watching Monday Night Football, but thanks for rolling with it.) Today on the site I have a mammoth 4,000-word article that you don't need to read unless you want to learn how to create a Youbot that will earn or save you tens of thousands of dollars. And no, you're not expected to know what a Youbot is, because they're a thing I...

As many of you know, I'm now building AI tools for people as a full-time job. I'm creating custom agents for amateur writers, professional novelists, Hollywood movie types, business folks, and YouTube celebs. Everything I build can be customized to the individual and is created to make certain aspects of their lives easier, faster, and better, so they can focus on all the other things they love to do. In that spirit, today I am making available to all of you (and the rest of the world) a...

My promise to this email list was that I would only send to it when I have something worthwhile to say. Well, it looks like it's been a pretty boring six months on this end. Some of you may even have forgotten about me, and that's perfectly fine. If you don't want to be on my update list anymore, scroll right down to the bottom of this message and you'll find a happy little unsubscribe link. Go ahead, I'll wait right here and enjoy the sunset here in San Pedro, Los Angeles ❤️ Now that I...

Morning, friends! I was doing the Love Bomb thing during the latter half of 2023, and then I took a break for the Christmas holiday but never came back. I ended up having to deal with a few issues at once (and still am, actually): loss of a job, some personal health stuff, some family things, etc. I'm still in a place where I need to take care of myself and focus on bigger things, so I'm going to do that. Love Bomb will be on indefinite hiatus for the time being. I appreciate you all being a...

Today (Monday night as I write this) is Christmas Day, and next week around this time is New Year's Day, so I'm taking the time off from love bombs. After that it'll be the end of the holiday season, and into the teeth of the long, cold winter. God willing we'll all see it through to the other side together :) It's been another weird year for me, full of stops and starts and big personal/career changes and more than a little stress. The kinds of things most people go through every five years...

From the Beginning The Background I just got back from taking a walk with my brother during a break in my work. It was a nice piece of downtime during this very busy month where I'm transitioning myself into a new (much more fun and creative) career as an AI developer. It made me realize that he's been there through all of my twists and turns, ups and downs, and personal growth over the years, and I'm thankful for him. The Mission This week, spend 10 minutes to acknowledge someone who was...