robots are cute and so are you

Good morning, friends!

(Actually, I write the Tuesday morning emails on Monday nights, lying on my couch while watching Monday Night Football, but thanks for rolling with it.)

Today on the site I have a mammoth 4,000-word article that you don't need to read unless you want to learn how to create a Youbot that will earn or save you tens of thousands of dollars. And no, you're not expected to know what a Youbot is, because they're a thing I just made up last week.

Here's the article: AI That Works: How To Build A Youbot

If 4,000 words and the accompanying 50 hours of work you probably need to do in order to create a high quality Youbot by yourself sounds like too much, I can also develop one for you in exchange for a pint of Ben & Jerry's plus all the spare change in your couch.

And if you don't care about giving yourself superpowers at all, you might want to at least visit the article and skim it anyway because there are like 10 pictures of cute robots on it, including these lil' guys:

That's about all I have today, except to say thanks to everyone who tested my Ideation Engine last week and gave some feedback - I appreciate it.


(If you ever stop loving these emails, just unsubscribe here - no hard feelings!)

Nate St. Pierre

I'm an AI developer at the intersection of immersive and emergent storytelling. I help novelists, game designers, and filmmakers vividly imagine their worlds through a set of custom tools I've developed.

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