Enjoy the holiday season!

Today (Monday night as I write this) is Christmas Day, and next week around this time is New Year's Day, so I'm taking the time off from love bombs. After that it'll be the end of the holiday season, and into the teeth of the long, cold winter. God willing we'll all see it through to the other side together :)

It's been another weird year for me, full of stops and starts and big personal/career changes and more than a little stress. The kinds of things most people go through every five years or so, I seem to go through a couple a year. But I suppose I wouldn't trade it, because it's made me who I am today, and I like who I am today. So we keep soldiering on, yeah? If you're in a tough situation in life, please know that you're not alone. There are people who love you, and your life has incredible value <3

If you feel like responding with an end-of-year message of your own, I'll be happy to read the updates in lieu of Christmas cards or cookies left on my doorstep, haha - if not, I hope you enjoy your holidays, and we'll talk again soon!


PS: I think this is only the second time in 100 years that we haven't had any snow in Milwaukee during December - it's felt so strange to have the whole holiday season feel like fall instead of winter. I did take a foggy picture from my balcony on Christmas Eve, and on my Christmas Day walk this morning, I saw that someone had decorated their baby fir tree for a Charlie Brown Christmas. It made me smile.

Nate St. Pierre

I'm an AI developer at the intersection of immersive and emergent storytelling. I help novelists, game designers, and filmmakers vividly imagine their worlds through a set of custom tools I've developed.

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As many of you know, I'm now building AI tools for people as a full-time job. I'm creating custom agents for amateur writers, professional novelists, Hollywood movie types, business folks, and YouTube celebs. Everything I build can be customized to the individual and is created to make certain aspects of their lives easier, faster, and better, so they can focus on all the other things they love to do. In that spirit, today I am making available to all of you (and the rest of the world) a...

My promise to this email list was that I would only send to it when I have something worthwhile to say. Well, it looks like it's been a pretty boring six months on this end. Some of you may even have forgotten about me, and that's perfectly fine. If you don't want to be on my update list anymore, scroll right down to the bottom of this message and you'll find a happy little unsubscribe link. Go ahead, I'll wait right here and enjoy the sunset here in San Pedro, Los Angeles ❤️ Now that I...

Morning, friends! I was doing the Love Bomb thing during the latter half of 2023, and then I took a break for the Christmas holiday but never came back. I ended up having to deal with a few issues at once (and still am, actually): loss of a job, some personal health stuff, some family things, etc. I'm still in a place where I need to take care of myself and focus on bigger things, so I'm going to do that. Love Bomb will be on indefinite hiatus for the time being. I appreciate you all being a...