❤️💣 Mission: Remember Them

Remember Them

The Background

On Friday my family and I were telling stories about my favorite uncle who recently passed away. On Saturday my buddy Damico and I did our annual autumn graveyard walk. Tomorrow is Día de Muertos (and if you want to go down a rabbit hole of translation history, look up if you should us the "los" in there or not).

October is the month where we seem to feel a little closer to those who have left us, so I wanted to come up with a way to remember some of our favorite people . . . with a twist.

The Mission

This week, take 10 minutes to remember a deceased loved one by exemplifying their best trait to someone in your world.

The spirit of this mission is that we're not just going to silently reflect on our person, but we're going to do a something proactive and positive to honor the legacy they left behind. For example, my uncle was one of the funniest guys I've ever known, so I'm going to find a way to incorporate humor into whatever I decide to do.

It makes me smile to know that so many people this week are going to be remembered for the very best of who they were, and a little bit of their personality is going to live on through our actions, to impact this world for good one more time.

Jump onto Discord to tell us what you did and see what others are doing: Love Bomb Discord
(once you're inside, you'll see this mission under the Weekly Missions category)

See you in there!


PS: Here are a few pics I took during the graveyard walk - you can find more on my Instagram.

Nate St. Pierre

I'm an AI developer at the intersection of immersive and emergent storytelling. I help novelists, game designers, and filmmakers vividly imagine their worlds through a set of custom tools I've developed.

Read more from Nate St. Pierre

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